Enrollment Information

Morah Goldstein reading the kids a story

If you would like to enroll your child in Kindertots, please call our Director, Morah Rachel Tuch, at 602-374-3062 to schedule an interview and tour.

Once you have decided that Kindertots is the right school for your child, we ask that you submit an admissions application at https://tdsp.parentlocker.com/application24-25-form/

You will be required to fill out the Emergency Information and Immunization Record Form and to provide Kindertots with copies of your child’s immunization records.

When enrolling your child, please bear in mind our birthday cut-off dates:

To enter our 2-year-old class, your child must be 2 by September 1.

To enter our 3-year-old class, your child must be 3 by September 1, and toilet trained.

To enter our 4-year-old class, your child must be 4 by September 1. 


For the 2024-2025 school year:

Children aged 2:  $12,000 a year
Children aged 3 and 4: $10,00 a year
Early Care and After Care are billed separately.  The charge is $5 per half hour per day.  There are also monthly rates available.
Refund Policy: you must give us one month’s notice for a refund.


We have a limited number of scholarships available at Kindertots for families demonstrating need whose income falls within 200% of the Federal Poverty Levels. Please call Gaby Friedman at 602-809-3011 for more details.